❝Despite challenges that African emerging economies can pose (regulatory frameworks, fragmented markets), at UM6P, we are fully committed to be resilient and to invite all of you to stay resilient. Because in this Summit, that's convening +1500 participants from +30 nationalities, it is here where we are going to be launching dialogue, but not only, we are also going to be talking about action, to develop solutions for the most pressing challenges for researchers, investors, entrepreneurs and policy makers.
Tech entrepreneur and co-president, National Digital Council of France
❝We need political leaders who understand that technology is a factor that dominates. Globalization would not have been, had technology not allowed it. The understanding of internet's metapsyché is fundamental if we want to regulate, and make sure the world strives for progress again.
Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria
❝In terms of safety, the key is to make sure that this technology is used for peace and for development. Deeptech is important. Our role as an organization is that whenever a technology is implemented. Taking the example of medicine, it’s unacceptable that 80% of African countries do not dispose of imaging nor radiation medicine facilities. Many people can die. That’s why the agency is helping countries not only gain the machine and facility but also training and capacity building, and this is why AI and VR are important because they help overcome the issue of infrastructure when it comes to training.
Chairman and Founder, Vickers Financial Group, Singapore
❝The first thing is discovery, having a breakthrough technology ready to deploy that is solving a problem that is known. Deep technology is an expensive gain to make your product work because you have to go through R&D, clinical trial to ensure it works before putting it in the market. Deep startups can cure cancer, and address important global challenges.
Engineer & Economist, Morocco
❝One of the questions any deeptech entrepreneur should start with is what kind of problem am I trying to address? We are 8 billion today living on this earth. Fundamental knowledge is no longer enough; embracing technology is not a matter of choice anymore. It’s not about productivity anymore, it’s about saving the planet, and that’s why we have to love deep technology.
Executive Vice President, Dubai World Trade Center and CEO, Kaoun International, United Arab Emirates
❝An event like DTS and Gitex creates a platform that enables open collaboration and exchanges of best practices, and that is key to building a thriving ecosystem. A platform enables putting in one room all the actors – regulators, students, industries, researchers, entrepreneurs, investors – to identify problems, synergies, opportunities, and help them keep up with trends and changes happening every year.
Access Partnerships, South Africa
Dubai Modus
UM6P Ventures, Morocco
National Digital Council, France
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria
Vickers Financial Group
Intel Corporation, South Africa
Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, Innovation and Research, Morocco
Startup Genome
Spire Advisory Group, United States
Stanford Mechanical Engineering, Unites States
Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, Innovation and Research, Morocco
Funding Box
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
UM6P, Morocco
LIAV, Morocco
Harvard University
Green Energy Park, Morocco
Launch Africa Ventures, South Africa
Fulbright Special, United States
MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund, United States
ESTEM Morocco
Ashesi University, Ghana
Womenomics Institute
Averroes.ai, United States
The General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises, Morocco
United Nations University Vice Rectorate
OCP, Morocco
the Qatar Foundation
Honest Management, United Arab Emirates
Intel Ignite
Open Startup Tunisia
Sand Tech
GEN Innovative Solutions, United Arab Emirates
Chari.ma, Morocco
UM6P, Morocco
InnovX, Morocco
Cheikh Khalifa International University Hospital, Morocco
Amazon Web Services
African Union, South Africa
Ibtiquar.com, Morocco
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences - AmendyFoods
UM6P, Morocco
G42 Mubadala Health Tech company, United Arab Emirates
Hashgraph Association, Switzerland
UM6P, Morocco
Vodafone Business UK
Kaspersky, France
The Future Global Rising, United Arab Emirates
The European Organization for Nuclear Research, Switzerland
Savant Venture Fund, South Africa
Al Mada Ventures, Morocco
National Research Center for Scientific and Technical Research, Morocco
Sensthings, Morocco
DeepEcho, Morocco
Solena, United States
Microsoft Africa Development Centre
UM6P, Morocco
Dakar American University of Science & Technology
Dream VC, UK
Kaoun International, United Arab Emirates
Laboratory of Electrical Systems, Energy Efficiency and Telecommunications, Marrakech
Spore.Bio, France
Start up Advisor, Canada
UM6P Ventures, Morocco